Policies and Procedures

Sunnyhills School Policies

There are dozens of policies and procedures that cover managing and governing a school. Like other schools, Sunnyhills School has enlisted the help of SchoolDocs to help centralise and manage these.


Many of our policies and procedures are relatively standard when compared to other schools; however, there are many that have been tailored to meet the specifics of our School's culture and context.

Rather than maintain the full set of policies and procedures on separate pages on this website; we invite you to visit our School's complete set by logging in directly to the SchoolDocs website. You can do this by providing the username 'sunnyhills' and password 'learning'.

Key policies and procedures in SchoolDocs include: 

On the SchoolDocs website, you are invited to provide feedback directly on each policy and procedure – and you can do this anonymously, if you prefer. And, of course, you're more than welcome to get in contact with the School directly (by email, phone or in person) if you wanted to know more about specific policies and procedures or just to ask a question. 

Clicke the above picture to link you directly to our SchoolDocs Site

Username: sunnyhills

Password: learning

Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.

HPPA Fairplay Charter

Please note that Sunnyhills School is a signatory to the charter below which allows us to participate in interschool activities.  As a community we need to take responsibility and play our part in ensuring that this charter is upheld.