Our Student Groups

Cultural Groups

Sunnyhills Kapa Haka

Our Kapa Haka runs on Monday mornings from 8:15am.  Learners will be invited to join the group early in the school year.  A performance group will be chosen later in the year.

Music and Dance Groups

Sunnyhills Choir

Limited to 50 children from year 5 and 6.  You  must be enthusiastic, punctual and be prepared to make a commitment for the full year

Sunnyhills Ukulele Groups

Beginners group open to year 3, 4, 5 and 6


Anyone who plays a musical instrument and is of appropriate standard who would like to play in the Instrumental group.   

Other music opportunities

For more music opportunities outiside of the classroom, Sunnyhills also offers itinerant music classes after school. Please see the After School Music page for more information.

Sports Groups

There are many sport teams, sport field days and social lunchtime sport activities that children can take part.

Gymnastics Links

Technology Teams

We have a range of technology teams available to year 3-6 students at Sunnyhills.