Welcome to Room 10

We are a Year 2 & 3 class and our teachers are Ms Lewis and Mrs VK

Our Learning Showcases

What is a learning showcase?

It's a slide deck we regularly update to show what we've been doing at school in our classroom.  It might include photos, videos and text.

2024 T1 Learning Showcase Room 10
2024 Term 2 Learning Showcase Room 10

Our Week

Wednesdays = Library and Year 3 Bike Track Day

Thursdays = Year 2 Bike Track Day

Thursdays = P.E. & Sports (Year 3 bring P.E. Uniform)

Resources to help our learning

Use this link to practise your Basic Facts and build fluency and automaticity.

Use the Class Code to log into Epic! to enjoy more opportunities for reading, research and exploring books by other authors. Class Code: Room 10


(Only free during School Hours)

Class Code: 

Room 10


2024 Koru Maths Games