Welcome to the Year 0/1 Teaching Team for 2022

From left to right we have:

Mrs Joanne Burge Year 0 & 1 Team Leader & Year 0/1 Room 16 Class Teacher Mon, Tues, Fri

Mrs Kylie Smith Year 1/2 Room 13 Class Teacher Monday, Room 17 Class Teacher Wednesday

Mrs Calista Baptista Year 0 Class Teacher Room 19

Miss Sheryl King Year 1 Room 11 Class Teacher

Mrs Sue Dijkstra Year 1/2 Room 13 Class Teacher Tuesday - Friday

Miss Nikki White Room Year 1 Room 17 Class Teacher Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri

Mrs Anna Howell Year 0/1 Room 16 Class Teacher Wes and Thurs

Miss Jennie Robertson Year 1 Room 15 Class Teacher

Click on Your child's Room Number below and you will be taken to your child's class page.

This button takes you to our Year 1 Distance Learning at home - page.

Meet the Teacher 2022

Meet The Teacher 2022

Thank you to the parents who were able to join our Virtual Meet The Teacher. Here is the slide deck for you to look t if you were unable to attend.

Sunnyhills JUMPaTHON

Have a look at the Jumpathon slides to see if you can learn how to skip using a skipping rope.