Welcome to Year 3

Y3 Christmas T4 2021 Master Distance Learning slide

Week 8 the last week of term!

One meet per day at 9:15am. No midday meets this week.

This slidedeck is in your INquiry folder. Have some fun as it is the end of the Year.

Y3 W4/5 T4 2021 Master Distance Learning slide
Y3 W6/7 T4 2021 Master Distance Learning slide
Copy of Year 3 Zach -W2/3 T4 2021 Master Distance Learning slides
2021 Y3 Master W1 T4 Distance Learning slides
2021 Year 3 Master W6/7 T3 Distance Learning Slides
2021 Year 3 Master W8/9 T3 Distance Learning slides
2021 Year 3 Master W4/5 T3 Distance Learning Slides
2021 Year 3 Master W10 T3 Distance Learning slides

The Distance Learning slides to work in are now on YOUR school drive in the Inquiry Folder. This is your personal copy for you to add your work into by typing into the slides. Parents might like to look ahead and see what you will choose. You are not allowed to share files with other children. Remember your cyber safety and manners at all times.

Here is the Google Meet Timetable for Year 3. All parents have been emailed when children are to join a meet and the code for the meet. Please make sure children have headphones or earbuds and the area is quiet around them.

Google Meet Timetable Y3 2021 generic

Our Learning

Distance Learning at Home

Below are help videos we have made for you to watch when you are learning from home.

How to complete and share activities.mp4

Share your work to a teacher

Watch Miss Bycroft's video above to see the different ways you can complete your work in your drive and how to share it with your teacher. The teacher will set the tasks for the day at the morning meet and then later you will share that learning at the group meet. Please email the teacher if you cannot access your drive.

How to join a class meet.webm

Join a meet

Listen to Miss Robertson's Video above to help you get to Meets in your school drive. You must be in your school drive first to open the Meet. Please email the teacher if you cannot join meets.