Welcome to Year 2

Our Classes

Check out our class pages to see our class slide deck showcasing our learning and any messages from your teacher. Scroll down for the new Distance Learning Slide Decks (pdf versions and slide view). Have a safe and happy day!

Year 2 Buddhist Temple Trip 2021
Year 2 Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Trip 2021
21 Day Challenge Koru Slides
Y2 Mathematics Curriculum Evening
Structure Literacy Curriculum Evening Year Two 2021

Our Distance Learning From Home - PDF and Slide deck versions

Click on the Distance Learning slide deck below and choose what you would like to do today.

Also click on your room number above to see if there are any messages from your teacher.

Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break?

Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

When you have completed your work and checked it - share it with your teacher!

Have a great week.

Team Two Distance Learning T4 W 6-8 2021
Team Two Distance Learning T4 W 4 & 5 2021
Team Two Distance Learning T4 W 2 & 3 2021
Team Two Distance Learning T4 W 1 2021
Team Two Distance Learning T3 W 10 2021
Team Two Distance Learning T3 W 8 & 9 2021
Team Two Distance Learning T3 W6 & 7 2021
Team Two Distance Learning T3 W4 & 5 2021
2021 T1 W5 GEMS Koru Whanau - Distance Learning
2021 T1 W3 GEMS Koru Whanau - Distance Learning

At School Learning - Building in progress