Welcome to

Room 8

Welcome to Room 8,

We're a class of year 1 students ready to learn together with our teachers Miss White and Mrs Smith this year.

Celebrating our Learning

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 4 Week 6, 7 & 8.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck on the right and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!

Year 1 T4 W6, 7 & 8 2021 Distance Learning

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 4 Week 4 & 5.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck on the right and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!

Year 1 T4 W4 & 5 2021 Distance Learning

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 4 Week 2 & 3.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck on the right and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!

Year 1 T4 W2 & 3 2021 Distance Learning

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 3 Week 10 and Term 4 Week 1.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck on the right and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!

Year 1 T3 W10 2021 Distance Learning

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 3 Week 8 & 9.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck on the right and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!

Year 1 T3 W8 & 9 2021 Distance Learning

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 3 Week 6 & 7.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck on the right and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!

Year 1 T3 W6 & 7 2021 Distance Learning

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 3 Week 4 & 5.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck on the right and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!

Year 1 T3 W4 & 5 2021 Distance Learning
Room 8 Learning Showcase

Our Timetable

Here is the new Distance Learning Slide deck for Term 3 Week 6&7.

  1. Click on the Distance Learning slide deck below and choose what you would like to do today.

  2. Make a timetable for today - when will you do your work and when will you take a break? Remember to look after your parents if they are working!

  3. When you have completed your work you can share it with your teacher via email!