Other Technology

Virtual Reality

  • Offers a way to travel using nothing more than the power of technology in special helmets/glasses.
  • Great for History classes where you can experience various locations around the world without leaving the classroom!
    • Google's VR platform, Google Cardboard is a great way to experience virtual reality.

In order to experience Google's virtual reality, Cardboard, follow the steps below:

  1. First, you will need the Google Cardboard VR glasses ($15), or you can make your own following one of the videos below:

2. Once you have your VR glasses, you will need to download a VR app. Go to the Google Play Store or the iOS store on your mobile device and download one (or more) of the apps. Google recommends:

3. Once you've downloaded one of the VR apps, you'll open the app and select the virtual reality you want to join. For example, if you're in a social studies class and you're learning about Paris, France, you can select a virtual reality that allows you to tour Paris in order to see what the city is actually like, without the expense of actually travelling there.

Fitness Bands

  • Fitness Bands keep track of your steps.
  • The Fitness Band keeps track of your calories that you burn while you are walking.
  • Fitness bands keep track of your total distance walked as well.

If you want to document your steps, calories, and distance that you did in one week follow the steps bellow

1. Go to Google Sheets (If it isn't already downloaded onto your Chrome book or your mobile device, you'll want to go to the app store to download it)

2. Once you've opened Google Sheets, you'll choose to create a blank document, or you'll select one of the templates that you like. If you choose to create a blank document, you will need to follow the steps below:

            1. Look at the top of the page and move your cursor over "Insert" and click it.
            2. In the "Insert" bar, you'll choose chart.
            3. Once you click chart, the "Chart Editor" box will come up and you can customize your chart as follows:


  • Almost everyone has a phone, but it isn't as common to see the use of tablets or iPads in the real world
  • While tablets and iPads are fun to play games on, they can also be used for educational purposes.
  • Tablets/iPads offer a wide variety of ways to interact in the classroom.
    • One of the ways tablets/iPads can be used is in an art class.
      • The art of photography is well-known and through the use of tablets/iPads with good camera quality, students can learn to take high-quality photos on a handheld device. Students can learn angling, positioning, and so much more through the use of tablets. Below is a photo of the different qualities of pictures available with two of the most common devices, the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the iPad Air 2.
    • Another way to use a tablet or iPad is in an English or speech class.
      • tablets and iPads offer the ability to record and produce podcasts. For an assignment, you could record yourself reading an essay or speech out loud in order to share with your class. Some great apps to use for podcast recordings are:
        • Overcast (Available on iOS)
        • Castro (Available on iOS)
        • Pocket Casts (Available on Android and iOS)
        • Podcast Republic (Available on Android)
      • Another great way to use a tablet or iPad in an English class is to create your own comic book or story. Some great apps to do this are:
        • ComicBook! (Available on iOS)
        • Comics Head (Available on iOS)
        • Comic Strip It! (Available on Android)


Headphones are a great piece of technology that allow you to listen to your music with out it coming out your phone, or computers speaker. If you have a pair of head phones that aren't Bluetooth, then follow these steps.

1. Get your headphones out, and plug your headphones into the small hole on the left side of your Chrome book. (It's the hole right next to the HDMI cable.)

Bluetooth headphones are becoming the worlds newest way to listen to music. In order to hock up your Bluetooth headphones to your chrome book, follow the steps bellow.

1. Click on the icons on the bottom right screen.

2. Click on the Bluetooth icon, and find the name of your Bluetooth headphones

3. Once you've found the name and clicked on it, your headphones should automatically connect and you'll be able to listen to music on your Chrome book.

Smart Boards

  • SMART Boards are the next generation of white-boards.
    • They're a digital version of an everyday classroom item, the whiteboard or chalkboard.
  • SMART Boards are a great way to boost participation in class.
    • Many studies have shown that kids are more likely to answer a question using the SMART Board than if they're asked to raise their hand and answer.
  • Getting up out of their seats to answer questions using the SMART Board allow students to burn off some of the energy they build up from sitting in class all day
  • Students can circle key items, move virtual items, and underline or cross our words.
  • SMART Boards can be used to create educational games that all students will enjoy