Hosting Service

Simple web applications

Easily deploy a web application with a few clicks. With pre-configured development stacks like LAMP, Nginx, MEAN, and Node.js., we make it easy to get your web application online.


Quickly create a website that shines. Create and customize your blog, e-commerce, or personal website with our pre-configured applications like WordPress, Magento, Plesk, and Joomla.

Business software

Run your open source and commercial software for your business, with ease. We helps you quickly launch your line-of-business software, like file storage and sharing, backups, financial and accounting software, and much more.

Operating systems




Windows Server

Virtual servers

$2 USD/mo
512 MB Memory
1 Core Processor
20 GB SSD Disk
1 TB Transfer*

3 USD/mo
1 GB Memory
1 Core Processor
40 GB SSD Disk
2 TB Transfer*

100 USD/mo
32 GB Memory
8 Core Processor
640 GB SSD Disk
7 TB Transfer*