Credit for District In-Service Days

Please note that it is the responsibility of the educator to keep track of their professional development hours.

Credit for attendance at district in-service days has been assigned in various ways over the years. Use the list below to determine how you can access or receive credit for the years/events listed.

District In-Service Days

Year 17-18 district level PD

Transcripts can be printed from

Years 18-19 thru 20-21 district level PD

Certificates were emailed to participants of whom we had a record of attendance. (I recommend staff try searching their email for the word certificate.)

Year 21-22 and forward

UT Professional Learning stores transcripts and certificates.

Special Events

Wednesday PD Series for 2020-2021

To request a transcript of completed PD from the 20-21 Wednesday PD Series, please fill out this form. Make sure you are logged in under your google account when you fill it out. Remember, this is only for District PD that was held on Wednesdays during 2020-2021, as well as District On Demand PD from those Wednesdays.

E3 2018 and E3 2019

Originals of the E3 passports that were turned in as proof for stipends were given to Frances Keller. If someone needs an electronic copy, please email Melissa Boyce.