Academy update 3/7/2022

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the federal CDC have issued new guidance.

Summit Salon Academy has followed the guidance from the Oregon Health Authority, The Higher Education Coordinating Commission, The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences, and the CDC for the entirety of the pandemic. This means that any updated policies will continue to follow this same guidance.

Indoor Masking recommended

  • Masks are strongly advised but not required for student artists when county community levels are high (see CDC COVID-19 Community Levels). At all levels, individuals may choose to mask based on their individual risk assessment. This applies to all school settings when a salon client does not request that you wear a mask.

  • Student artists will be required to wear a mask if requested by their client, or an educator.

  • Salon floor clients will be required to wear a mask if requested by the student artist, or their educator.

  • We understand that masking is a personal choice for student artists based on their individual health needs. Staff will continue to remind all student artists to be respectful of one another, the academy staff, and salon floor clients regarding their masking decisions. We know that some will still have concerns based on their own assessment of risk for themselves or their households and we respect and approve of their personal decisions.

  • Student artists will be allowed to eat in the breakroom. Student artists will continue to be allowed to eat outside or in their vehicles.

Isolation Protocol for students & staff

  • “Isolation” is the term reserved for individuals who are positive for COVID-19.

  • Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 should isolate for at least 5 days. They will be required to not attend any on campus activities during their Isolation period. Isolation may end after 5 full days if the individual is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and other symptoms have improved. Individuals are required to wear a well-fitting mask for 5 additional days (day 6- through 10) after the end of their isolation period.

  • If a student artist would like additional isolation days please refer to the Leave of absence policy in your students catalog.

Quarantine and Contact Tracing

  • “Quarantine” is the term reserved for individuals who have been determined to be a close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

  • OHA and ODE has stopped quarantine and contact tracing for all students and staff regardless of vaccination status beginning March 12. Their decision to pause contact tracing and quarantine is based in science and acknowledges that the virus that causes COVID-19 has now evolved to become one of the most transmissible viruses known and by the time an exposure is identified and contact tracing is performed, transmission has already occurred.

  • The academy will continue to focus on identifying positive cases of COVID-19 to prevent infected individuals from coming to school.

  • We will continue to provide exposure notifications when possible.

  • We will continue to require individuals who develop symptoms during the school day to remove themselves from campus until a negative Covid test is submitted.

Other health and safety mitigation strategies remain in effect

  • Summit Salon Academy will continue to utilize health and safety mitigation strategies during the school day. Health and safety strategies include but are not limited to increased ventilation and regular hand-washing during the school day.

  • Vaccination continues to be required for school staff.

Resources for Student Artists

OHA is committed to providing resources regarding COVID-19 through a Positive COVID-19 Test website and COVID-19 Case Support Hotline (866)-917-8881.

We want our staff and all artists to know that the academy is actively reviewing the updated guidance and will provide more information as needed.

Any changes to health and safety strategies at Summit Salon Academy will not be implemented until March 14th.

Thank you for your patience and partnership as we work through these new health and safety guidelines.