Citations & Noodle Tools

Why cite sources?

It is important to make sure you cite your sources when completing a research paper. This will help prevent you from plagiarizing your information. It allows the reader to know where you got your information from and where to go to find more on your topic. You should include a Works Cited page at the end of the paper and use parenthetical citations (in-text citations) within the paper. You will be using MLA format for most of your citations. If your teacher wants you to use a different format, that will be specified within the requirements.

According to page 24 in the student handbook, "All student work submitted for grading or publication must be the work of the student or should cite the source of the material. This includes materials from print publications as well as those from electronic sources....Students who copy sources without citing them or use someone else's materials will receive no credit for the plagiarized work."

Noodle Tools

Every student has access to NoodleTools to help with creating works cited pages. NoodleTools also can help with properly in-text citations. Students who forgot their NoodleTools username and/or password can look it up in the library.


Noodle Tools Source Forms

Recommended Websites


See also: MLA Citation Guide – Cornell University