
Your Name

Dr. Schlehlein

French grades 7-8  



Voicemail: 908-918-2100 ext.####

Extra Help Hours: 7:30 am by appointment made via email 24 hours in advance (so I know to expect you). 


Homework/Grading Policy

Please read the Course Expectations and Participation/Grading Rubric, which outline daily requirements and grading policies (see below and also on my google classroom).

To view all assignments, assessments, and due dates, please have your student(s) access my Google Classroom.

Français Grades 7-8 Dr. Schlehlein


Course Expectations


Requirements :







Grading:   ______points received______ = % =  grade

                         total points possible


         You will receive points for:

·       Quizzes (I always announce them ahead of time)

·       Tests (I always announce them ahead of time)

·       Projects (You will have a rubric)

·       Graded Assignments (Strive to do all homework as thoroughly and neatly as possible, because you never know when it might be collected for a grade!)

·       Participation/Daily Homework

French Grades 7 and 8

Dr. Schlehlein


Participation and Preparation Grading. You will earn participation/preparation grades bi-monthly in September, then monthly during the first marking period of 2024.


Score 1-5

Preparation For Class

Always brings pencils, pens, a binder/notebook and a fully charged chromebook to class; and is ready to show/submit homework. 5

Brings all materials needed, all homework, and a fully charged chromebook every day with few exceptions 4

Most often comes to class with all required materials, has homework complete, and a full charged chromebook. 3

Inconsistent effort in any of the following: coming to class with required materials, completing and showing assignments on time; having a fully charged chromebook 2

Seldom or never does any of the following: coming to class with materials, homework, and a charged chromebook 1

Use of Spoken French

(Note: effort to use French is graded, NOT accent, accuracy, or fluency)

Speaks French whenever possible with the teacher and with other classmates every class session 5

Speaks French often, almost every class when conversing with the teacher and with peers. 4

Consistent effort to speak French in class when volunteering, when called upon, and sometimes with peers. 3

Speaks English much more than attempting French in class. 3

Speaks almost always in English; attempts to say a few words in French only after repeated reminders. 1

Class Engagement

Volunteers enthusiastically multiple times in class, actively listens to others and is patient in waiting one’s turn.  Strong collaboration skills with all peers. Always focused and productive, asks questions for clarification when needed. 5

Volunteers every class, most often listens to others and is patient. Very good collaboration with all peers. Almost always focused, productive, and may ask questions. 4


Often volunteers or is prepared when called upon. Consistently listens to others, is patient, and asks questions for clarification. Cooperative and respectful with teacher and all peers. 3


Inconsistent participation, focus, and/or productivity. Struggles to cooperate with teacher and/or with peers; only willing to work with peers of his/her own choosing. 2


Any combination of the following: never volunteers or refuses to make an attempt when called upon. Fails to cooperate with the teacher and/or with assigned group of peers. 1

Use of technology

Uses technology only when given permission and for the sole purposes of the assignment or activity. Maintains integrity at all times while using technology. 5

Almost always uses technology only when given permission and always maintains integrity and purposeful use of technology for appropriate classroom needs. 4

Consistently uses technology as appropriately deemed by the teacher; consistently stays on task while using technology and maintains integrity. 3

Inconsistently uses technology as deemed appropriate; may engage in off-task behaviors while working on the computer for an assigned task; maintains integrity. 2

Struggles with any of the following: following the class routines to use technology as appropriate or refuses to stay on task while given an assigned activity on the computer; struggles with technology integrity. 1

Presence in class

(Note: excused absences, lateness, or approved early departures are NEVER penalized)

Always arrives on time. Makes an effort never to leave class but does so only when absolutely necessary and with permission from the teacher. Returns promptly without fail. 5

 Arrives on time with few exceptions. Sometimes leaves the room at the beginning or the end of class but always with permission and always returns promptly. 4

Arrives on time, in general. Leaves the room with permission and returns promptly. 3

Inconsistent arrival time to class. Frequent requests to leave the room and struggles to return promptly. 2

Struggles to arrive on time. Asks to leave the classroom every day, leaves without permission and/or may struggle to return promptly. 1



30 points maximum (based on a score of 5 in all 6 categories). (A more readable version of this rubric spread on a table is available on my google classroom.)