Welcome to Team 8B! We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and believe that every student is a valuable member of our team. Eighth grade is an exciting year filled with BIG responsibilities: YOU are now the leaders of the school and YOU are the ones the younger students will look up to. However, with the help of your team teachers and the LCJSMS staff, we have no doubt you will ALL be successful this year!

Please use this site to find links to each of the 8B teacher's web pages, as well as links to resources we would like to make available to you. 

Teacher Information & Links


Link to Website


Extra Help Schedule


Afternoons by appointment

Language Arts

Mondays & Fridays 7:35 AM

Please let Mrs. Raven know in advance via email or in person if you plan on stopping by for extra help when possible.

Social Studies

Tuesday-Friday 7:30 AM

Afternoons by appointment

Special Education

Before School by Appointment Only


Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30 AM 

By appointment only