Home School Information for Students and Families

In Tennessee, in grades K-12, families have the option to home school or home educate. Tennessee state law (Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-6-3050(a)(1)) identifies a home school as a “school conducted or directed by a parent or parents or a legal guardian or guardians for their own children.”

The law identifies two ways parents or legal guardians may choose to home school their children: independent home school or enrollment in an approved church-related non-public school as defined by Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-50-801. Parents or legal guardians can choose a third option for managing their child’s education from home by enrolling their child in an approved accredited online school. 

Requirements for home school vary depending upon the type of program selected by the family. 

Other Important Information 

To participate in a home school program, families must unenroll their students from Sullivan County Schools. As a result, home school students are not allowed to participate in public school activities such as clubs, field trips, prom, and graduation.

To locate home school forms and any additional information about home school, go to the Tennessee Department of Education website and search home school. 


Sullivan County Board of Education

Brent Palmer Ed.D., Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction 9-12

