Enrolling in Band

Congratulations on making the great decision to join band! On this page you will find all everything you need to make sure that you get signed up for band as well as some information to help you choose which instrument you want to play. It's not a big deal if you don't know exactly what you want to play yet, we will have plenty of time to work that out in the fall.

Below are some links to videos featuring each of the instruments we use in 6th grade.


This family of instruments is played by blowing air across a thin piece of wood called a reed or, in the case of the flute, blowing air across an open hole like you might do on a water bottle.

Flute Clarinet


Instruments in this family are made of a metal called brass and are played by buzzing your lips into a mouthpiece.

Trumpet Trombone


The percussion family includes many different instruments that are all played by striking them in some way. Percussionists learn to play all percussion instruments including bells, xylophone, snare drum, and bass drum to name a few.

Mallets Non-pitched