Terms & Conditions
Nebengers is a ride-sharing marketplace which connected vehicle owner (called as “Kapten”) with passengers or user.
We have developed a community to share their trip to other users which are registered in So that, user may save trip cost, looking for a new friend, sharing experience and supporting green environment
In order to ensure everything goes well, fun and profitable for all, both users and Nebengers. Therefore, we created terms and conditions to be agreed by Nebengers users
What We Do
Providing an app in website, Android and iOS to share and find a ride
Curating submitted the travel route. Submitted data may not violate ethics such as SARA, pornography and others which are interfere security and users’ convenience
We may provide data related to user, trip history in the event of any matters involving criminal offenses and crimes
We are persuade Nebengers user to always posts trip route in website, Android or iPhone
Providing social media information which belonging to users, both ride provider and trip finder as consideration for those who want to go together
Provide a verification system for provider / “Kapten” & trip finder.
What We Don’t Do
Provide user A's recommendations to join with Captain B.
Misusing personal data and may harm other Nebengers users
Provide personal mobile number to other users.
What You Do
Obey the ethics & laws which take place under the “Undang Undang Dasar 1945”
Post in Nebengers app to give a ride or look for a ride
Maintain the security & comfort of other users.
Make appointments on-time
Request Account Deletion
If you want to delete your account, please contact us at Once confirmed, your account will be permanently deleted.
Let’s start now. Download the app at