Art II, III, IV: 


Instructor:  Lura Wilhelm:  Email:  Phone:  245-2767 Ext:  16132

Course Description:

In this class students will be exploring art through sketchbook activities, life skills and projects.  Students will be drawing, painting, working in 3D, multicultural art and printmaking in this class.  Students will explore a variety of techniques and mediums.  Projects will be related to the state of California and National Common Core Art Standards, elements and principles of design as well as cultural and historical concepts attributed to art.  Each project will have a main objective as well as a rubric with set guidelines directed towards a final grade. 


Each student is able to use any materials present in class.  Though we are unable to ask for a lab fee, we would like to ask you for a donation for your child’s use of materials in our classroom.  This contribution is not required but without donations our program will not be able to create the projects needed for your child’s success in the fine arts.  The art department needs to buy materials for each student participating in art throughout the school year.  Please contribute $35.00 for the first and second semester (note: this contribution may be written as a donation on his/her taxes).  We appreciate your generosity as it helps to keep our program strong.  If there are any issues and you are unable to contribute, please see me privately and arrangements can be made.  

**How to donate?  You may bring check or cash to the U-Prep cashier or into class within an envelope. If you are unable to donate, please just make sure you sign the envelop that was sent home and have your student bring it in within the week it was handed out. I try to keep donations as private as possible. 

**To get our art classes started with new supplies this year, we ask you to please bring your donations by the end of the 2nd week of school.  If you are contributing in check please make your check payable to U-Prep.  If you are donating with a check, please write your student’s name in memo section.                                                                                                                           

Classroom Behavior:

Discipline Level(s):

If problems persist, severe discipline will result in a conference with an available U-Prep Administration, student, parent/guardian, teacher and counselor.


Grade Break-Down:

 Percentage grade as followed:

A 89.5-90%

B 79.5-89.4%

C 73-79.4%

C- 69.5-72.9%

D 59.5-69.4%

F 0-59.4%

Description of what each letter grade looks like:

A-B: Student works every day to complete their assignment. Student creates a new assignment if finishes early. Student is engage with their assignment as well as throughout the entire class period with a strong work ethic. Student never distracts other in class. Student has completed each assignment with their best effort set forth. Student challenges themselves and creates goals in accomplishing/mastering new art skills.

C-F Lack of effort, lack of engagement and being a distraction that may affect your grade include:

Please note:  Each assignment has a set of requirements that will be presented in the monthly posting of assignments.  Each assignment will have a set of guidelines and will have a visual reference online or a video that demonstrates the project.