Writing Revisions

Free Help!

You can revise all formal summative writing within two weeks of receiving your score, after meeting with Mr. Bird for writing conference sessions.

What do do before coming to your essay revision appointment. 

1. Schedule a Writing Conference

I am available to help during Office Hours, or during my prep period (period 6). We can also meet after school. You must schedule a writing conference beforehand to ensure I do not have other meetings booked at that time. 

2. Carefully Re-Read Your Essay, and take notes:

3. Show Up To Your Scheduled Conference: 

If you show up to the conference without thoughtfully completed annotations, it will severely limit what we can accomplish. Well prepared students can usually be ready to revise a paper after 2-3 conferences; less prepared students might require additional ones. Regardless, I am here to help you make that paper sing, no matter what it takes. I'm excited to work with you. 

4. Resubmit your revised essay; making all changes on the same original document. Then email me that you have resubmitted it.