Supply List

3 pictures of your child and family for our family board!

2 – 8 packs of thin Crayola Crayons (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, black, brown)

2- 8 Pack of thick Crayola Markers

1- 4 Pack of large Glue Sticks (purple preferred!)

1 Dozen #2 Ticonderoga Pencils (Sharpened!)

1 - Box of Colored Pencils

7 - 3-hole punch Folders with inside pockets (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and 1 color of your choice)

1 - 2 inch binder

1- Art Smock (An oversized tee-shirt works great for this.) *

1- Set of Headphones (No earbuds please!)

1 - Hard Pencil Case

1- A small blanket for rest time (Kindergarten Only)

A change of clothes in a ziploc bag (if needed!)

*Please label all items with your child’s name!