Programming/Coding (HTML, JavaScript)

Calculate date of Easter source code below

JavaScript code for calculating the date of Easter (for years 1000 - 3000)



<body> <BODY BGCOLOR = "lightblue" > </body>

<title> Calculate Easter Version 0.1B by </title>

<script type="text/javascript">

document.write("<font size='+2' color=Green><center> Todd Middle School (Ipad Edition) - Easter Formula release V0.1B </center></font>")

document.write(" ")


/* Tom Yurkovic */


dte = new Date()

/* alert("dte is " + dte ) */

mm = dte.getMonth()

mm = mm-0

mm = mm+1

dd = dte.getDate()

yy = dte.getYear()

/*alert ("yy=" +yy)*/

todays_date = mm +'/' + dd + '/' + yy


/* */

/* GLOBAL Variables */

/* variables defined here are global */

/* */


var hdr1

var outputLine = new Array()

var temp

var ol

var nlo /* Numberof Linesof Output */

ol=1 /* Output Line */

var retAmt

var errfnd = 'N'

var a

var b

var c

var d

var e

var f

var g

var h

var j

var k

var l

var m

var mon

var y

var year

var day


/* */

/* Function: main() */

/* */


function main() {

temp = ckInput()


alert("returned from ckInput with temp = "+temp )

alert("returned from ckInput with errfnd = "+errfnd )


errfnd = "N"

if (errfnd == "N")


temp = display()

/* alert ("returned from display with temp = " +temp)*/


} /* end of Main */


/* */

/* Function: open a new window */

/* */

/* */


function openNew() {'','','width=452,height=370,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes' )

myWindow.document.write("<form name=east3 bgcolor= 'lightblue' > ")

myWindow.document.write("<body bgcolor=darkseagreen> <title> HTMC </title> ")

myWindow.document.write("<center><p><b><u><font color=black size=+1> HT Math Club - Easter Formula </u></b><br></center>")

myWindow.document.write("<br><br> ")

myWindow.document.write("Here is the easter Formula: ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("a = Y mod 19 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("b = Y / 100 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("c = Y mod 100 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("d = b / 4 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("e = b mod 4 ")

myWindow.document.write(" ")

myWindow.document.write("f = (" +b +"+ 8) / 25 ")

myWindow.document.write("f = "+b + 8 +" / 25 ")

myWindow.document.write("f = (b + 8) / 25 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("g = (b - f + 1) / 3 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("h = (19 × a + b - d - g + 15) mod 30 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("i = c / 4 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("k = c mod 4 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("L = (32 + 2 × e + 2 × i - h - k) mod 7 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("m = (a + 11 × h + 22 × L) / 451 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("month = (h + L - 7 × m + 114) / 31 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("day = ((h + L - 7 × m + 114) mod 31) + 1 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("<HR> ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("Note: ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write(" mod means division ===> ignore quotient, keep remainder ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write(" / means integer division ===> keep quotient, ignore remainder ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write(" Example: 16 / 3 = 5 remainder 1 ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write("16 is the dividend ")

myWindow.document.write("<br> ")

myWindow.document.write(" 3 is the divisor ")

myWindow.document.write(" 5 is the quotient ")

myWindow.document.write(" 1 is the remainder ")

myWindow.document.write("</form> ")



/* */

/* Function: ckInput() */

/* */

/* */


function ckInput() {

year = document.forms[0].avs.value

return year



/* */

/* Function: ckInput() */

/* */


function display() {

y = year

if (year < 1000 | year > 3000) {

alert("Please enter a year >1000 & < 3000")

errfnd = "Y"

document.Form.out.value = "Invalid year"


else {

/* openNew() */

y = year

a = y%19

b = parseInt(y/100)

c = y % 100

d = parseInt(b/4)

e = b % 4

f = parseInt((b+8)/25)

g = parseInt((b - f + 1) /3)

h = (19*a+b-d-g+15) % 30

i = parseInt(c/4)

k = c % 4

l = (32 + 2*e +2 * i-h-k) % 7

m = parseInt((a + 11 * h + 22 * l) / 451)

mon= parseInt((h+l-7*m+114)/31)

day = ((h + l - 7 * m +114) % 31 )+1

document.Form.out.value = ""

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"a = " +a +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"b = " +b +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"c = " +c +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"d = " +d +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"e = " +e +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"f = " +f +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"g = " +g +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"h = " +h +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"i = " +i +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"k = " +k +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"l = " +l +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"m = " +m +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"y = " +y +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"mon = " +mon +" " +"\n"

document.Form.out.value = document.Form.out.value +"day = " +day +" " +"\n"



alert("a =" +a

+ "\n b =" +b

+ "\n c =" +c

+ "\n d =" +d

+ "\n e =" +e

+ "\n f =" +f

+ "\n g =" +g

+ "\n h =" +h

+ "\n i =" +i

+ "\n k =" +k

+ "\n l =" +l

+ "\n m =" +m

+ "\n y =" +y

+ "\n mon =" +mon

+ "\n day =" +day)


} /* end of Function display() */

function doIt(theForm) {




<form name=Form bgcolor= "lightblue" >


Calculate for year :

<input type="text" STYLE="color:#FEFEFE; font-style:bold ;background-color: darkblue;font-size:150%;"; value="2017" name="avs" onFocus="this.value=' ' " size=30 maxlength=6 > <br>


<input type="button" STYLE="color:#FEFEFE; font-style:bold ;background-color: darkblue;font-size:100%;";

value="Calculate Easter & Display Formula in a window " onClick="main()" >




<textarea name=out rows=14 cols=25 wrap=virtual STYLE="color: Black; background-color: #C0C0C0;" >

