Rules and Expectations


Goals & Expectations


Instructor: Ms. Crespo

Welcome! Benvenuti!!!! I’m Ms. Crespo, and will be your World Language Italian Teacher this school year! It is wonderful to meet so many new students, and to be able to teach those of you that I have already had as students!

We are starting this school year in a way that is new and unfamiliar! Embrace the novelty, and please know that I am here as your teacher and guide.

Please make sure you are able to access the Google Classroom page foryour class. Please contact me if you cannot access Classroom or are not receiving email notifications. Additionally, always check the Classwork tab for posted work. That is also where you will see Due Dates and “Turn-in” assignments on Classroom.

Here are some tips to begin the school year.

1)Please sign-into Google Classroom daily. If you are having any difficulties accessing the Classroom or Meet, email me ASAP.

2) Exchange contact information with one or more classmates. Ensure that this is a reliable classmate and someone that I can communicate with in case of an emergency.

Here are Ms. Crespo’s ground rules:

  • Listen to others.

  • Wait for your turn to speak.

  • Arrive on time. The class starts at the time specified on your schedule.

  • Complete all work on time. Respect due dates. Points will be deducted for any late work.

  • Underline or identify all vocabulary and phrases for which you used a translator or outside help.

  • Notify me ASAP of any academic problems or difficulties you may be experiencing with the course.

  • Email me with any questions you have!

  • Complete all work with honesty and integrity.

  • Treat others with kindness.

  • Cyberbullying will not be tolerated and will be reported.

  • Please do not comment in the Classroom and in Meet unless it is a question that I pose as part of an assignment. All other comments will be deleted and/or reported (only if necessary).

  • You must respect the spacing rules in the classroom.

  • You must wear a mask (See below.)

These are the expectations outlined by SHS :

Masks are required for all students and staff while inside our school buildings, regardless of vaccination status.

Properly wearing a mask indoors minimizes the risk of being quarantined should there be a COVID-19 exposure in a classroom or building.

In the eventuality that we have a day (or more) where we will be remote, these are the expectations outlined by SHS.

Student Expectations While Online Learning

“Teachers and students should follow these guidelines to ensure productive, respectful class time through all of our online learning platforms.

Practice Social Distancing. The reason we have turned to online learning is to practice social distancing, in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Please do not congregate at each other’s homes to do work, socialize, etc. — we want you to stay safe and healthy.

Everyone is visible in a synchronous videoconference. Students should dress appropriately and should be in a comfortable workspace with their devices. It should be a quiet place with minimal distraction. The background should be appropriate for a child’s learning environment. Consider situating a device so it faces a wall to maximize privacy.

Mute your microphone immediately. As soon as you log on to the platform, mute your microphone. This will avoid any excess background noise. Release the mute button when it is your turn to speak in the virtual class.

Focus and engage. While in a synchronous videoconference, the microphone should be muted and released only when speaking in the virtual class. Keep your video conference platform open and do not navigate to other tabs or web pages unless directed by the teacher.

Respect. Respect the privacy of other participants. Do not take screenshots or pictures of your teacher or fellow students. Do not make any audio or video recordings. These behaviors violate our policies and could result in disciplinary action. Also, the use of headphones when engaging in a voice/video chat will help to ensure the privacy of others.

Teachers will communicate to the administration inappropriate behavior that violates our Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Student Code of Conduct. Appropriate action will be enforced if necessary. “

Learning Goals:

  • To be able to communicate in Italian.

  • To comprehend written and spoken Italian.

  • To gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.

  • To make connections to other disciplines.

  • To make comparisons across cultures.

  • To participate in multilingual communities.

What other goals would you like to add?


*Remember grades are EARNED, not GIVEN. You will be graded on the following:

Speaking Assessments with a Partner and/or Solo (Live or Recorded)

Listening Comprehension Assessments (Multimedia, Teacher Read)

Written Compositions

Creative Pieces

Reading Assessments of Varying Lengths and Formats


Productivity of In-Class Work

Quality of In-Class Work and Homework

*** We will be using a variety of learning platforms and apps. Please stay tuned for more information.


Rubrics will be used to assess you on your speaking, writing, and projects and presentations.

Skills Assessments are 70% of the Total Grade

Classwork is 30% of Total Grade

Extra Help, Review & Practice

Strive always to do your best, and know that I am here to help you! Perseverance means not giving up even if something is challenging. Please come see me to review new concepts or practice your Italian! Just let me know in advance so we can set up a time to meet. After school or at lunch both work well!

But I’m not Learning Anything!?!

Italian Class may not resemble anything you do in your other courses, and you certainly won’t be able to cram information the night before an assessment or the day of. This non-traditional learning environment might make some feel uneasy or make them feel as if they aren’t learning. Stay focused, goal-oriented, and remember that you are in charge of your own learning. Remember that true learning is the ability to take what you know and apply it. It’s the ability to think critically. In order to learn, you must be willing to practice using the language at every given opportunity. Trust that I will help guide you toward your desired outcome.

Make-up Work

When you are absent, decide the best plan of action for making up your missed work. Only you are responsible for returning to class informed about what you missed.

Let’s Brainstorm: What can you do? I suggest contacting a friend, emailing me, or checking the Classroom. If you miss an assessment, please see me immediately about scheduling a make-up date at lunch. Make-ups will not be permitted if your absence is unexcused. Your grade will thenresult in a ZERO.

How will you get in touch with me? Email me at or check the Classroom on Google Apps.

Academic Integrity ( edit?pli=1)

Earn your grade ethically, honestly and through hard work. Cheating, plagiarism, the use of translators, and other forms of academic dishonesty will result in disciplinary action and no credit will be given for your work. What constitutes cheating? Let’s brainstorm:


When you walk into class, you are part of a team. Cooperation which is defined as “the process of working together to the same end” is synonymous with “collaboration, joint action, combined effort, teamwork, partnership, coordination, synergy, give and take, compromise.” You will be working with different groups of people on a regular basis. There will be times you will be working with friends whereas in other times you will be working with peers who you may not consider to be your closest friends. Regardless, you will be expected to be respectful, cooperative, and to learn how to get along with your team members in order to achieve your goals. If you have any problems with your groups, please inform me.


No student should come into class feeling uncomfortable because he or she is being picked on, harassed, teased, or talked about. Although you may not always agree with others, you will be asked to respect your peers. There will be ZERO TOLERANCE for BULLYING of any kind. If you are feeling uncomfortable in class in any way, you must report it to me. Then the proper course of action will be taken (see SHS Handbook).

Concerns We all have a job to do here and my job is to ensure that you’re learning the curriculum that is in place for you. Therefore, I cannot address personal matters of any kind during class time. If you have anything that you’d like to address with me regarding the course or any personal circumstances, please do so at lunch or make an appointment with me.

Common Questions or Concerns? Is there anything you would like to add? Ask or add here:

In Bocca al Lupo!!!! Let’s get ready to LEARN!