Suffern Middle School Technology - Mr. Mascola


-For in person learners:

---Offered during lunch, free periods, and after school by appointment

-For remote learners:

---Offered via email or Google Meet by appointment


-For in person learners:

---Put down everything and anything that you are working on. Leave all personal items behind, and follow me quietly in a single file line through the back door to our designated area by the football field bleachers. Talking during a fire drill is prohibited! Follow other code drills accordingly by attentively & swiftly adhering to the code guidelines & teacher directions for the drill as needed.

-For remote learners:



-For in person learners:

---Be on time or have a late pass! If tardiness becomes an issue, it will result in disciplinary action. If you are late, you will owe me tech bucks*. Excessive lateness may result in further fines or disciplinary action. Upon arrival, come in and check the front board for your SWBAT and Do Now and/or Class Goals List. You do not have to be silent, but you must keep the noise level to a minimum until class begins.

*= Will be explained further in a later category

-For remote learners:

---Be on time (in the Google Meet by the set starting time for the class period) or send me an email in advance with legitimate reasoning to excuse tardiness or absences! If tardiness becomes an issue, it will result in disciplinary action. If you are late, you will owe me tech bucks*. Excessive lateness may result in further fines or disciplinary action and/or hurt students in the “Individual Student Responsibilities” portion of their grades. If you do arrive late remotely for any reason, please let Mr. Mascola know you are now present so you do not get marked absent.

*= Will be explained further in a later category


-For in person learners:

---When prompted to do so, stop what you are doing, and begin cleaning up your own work area, as well as the rest of the classroom, in a timely and safe manner. There will occasionally be a student foreperson appointed for heavy duty work days to run the cleanup process. When finished cleaning, look to help others who are still cleaning. When the cleanup process is complete, you may go back to your seats and gather your possessions in anticipation of the bell/end of class. We will NOT be crowding around the door as we wait for the bell.

-For remote learners:

---No cleanup necessary. Please do not leave the Google Meet until the teacher verbally releases you as important announcements are often made right before the class is dismissed.


-For in person learners:

---Each day you are expected to have a pen/pencil, your folder (provided), and your device*. While Google Classroom and the internet alone will generally be sufficient, for certain class assignments physical tools & materials (provided) will occasionally still be used. Students must bring a pair of

*= iPads for 7th graders & chromebooks for 8th graders

-For remote learners:

---Each day you will need access to a pen/pencil, your folder (if provided one), and your device*. While Google Classroom and the internet alone will be generally sufficient for

*= iPads for 7th graders & chromebooks for 8th graders


-For in person learners:

----Technology related learning activities (Projects & Assignments) are each given appropriate point values and make up 75% of your quarter grades.

-Individual student responsibilities (behavior, class participation, effort, adhering to safety guidelines) make up 25% of your quarter grades.

-For remote learners:

---[same system as for in person learners]


-For in person learners:

----Participating, showing positive effort, and contributing correct answers during discussions and activities will not only help your overall grade, but will enable you to earn Mascola Money, which can be redeemed for rewards. As far as discipline, inappropriate and unsafe behavior will not be tolerated. The more severe the offense, the more severe the punishment. Repeated offenses will lead to more immediate and/or more intense punishment. The Google Meet sessions will be recorded to help maintain student and teacher accountability. This could result in losing Mascola Money and a lesser score in the “Individual Student Responsibilities” portion of your grade. If you are doing what you are supposed to, you will have nothing to worry about. Let’s all do our best so we can have a fun and successful class experience together!

-For remote learners:

---[same system as for in person learners]