Mrs. Tomlin's Seventh Humanities

Seventh Grade Humanities

Welcome to Seventh Grade!

Do you love to read and write? Are you eager to hone your note taking and skills? This class is going to be your dream. I look forward to being your guide. Grab your coat and enjoy the ride.

Reading, writing, listening, speaking, multiple intelligences, literature studies, poetry, graphic organizers, annotating text, focused note taking, Greek and Latin roots, parts of speech, sentence structure, academic paragraphs, essays, citing text, MLA format, Fall of Rome, Western Europe, Byzantines, Islamic World, Africa, China and Japan, European Renaissance

Materials Needed Daily:

School Chromebook - charged



AR book

Three-ring binder

Binder paper

Spiral notebook


Set of color pencils


Access to dictionary / thesaurus / Internet at home

Optional - crafting supplies