Talking About Therapy

Talking About Therapy As a Family

Therapy might be an unfamiliar or even difficult topic of conversation for parents and scholars. Below are some starting points that might help someone in understanding therapy as a useful tool for supporting health, growth, and happiness.

Discuss potential ways therapy may be helpful

  • Are there specific personal or emotional challenges to overcome?

  • Looking for help on the path toward big goals and dreams?

  • Interested in learning more about yourself?

Celebrate your scholar taking ownership of their future and their mental health

  • Sometimes it is not easy to ask for help - it takes self-awareness to understand the areas you want to grow, and courage to take the steps to improve yourself.

  • If your scholar asks for permission to try Uwill, we encourage you to: 1) seek to understand their needs 2) support them in their journey to therapy, and 3) celebrate their courage and commitment to becoming their best self

Acknowledge and discuss the importance of privacy

  • As adolescents move toward becoming young adults they still need their parents in many ways - but they are also seeking and exploring independence.

  • Therapy can be a way for scholars to grapple with hard questions in a safe, private space - with a professional who is trained to support teens in this process.

  • Talk as a family about the best way to schedule sessions so that your scholar has the privacy necessary to be present, focused, and free from distractions during the time with their therapist.

  • Recognize that some kids may want to talk with parents about the work they do with their therapist, some may share some things and prefer not to talk about others, and others still may rather not talk about it at all.

Taking the first step requires vulnerability, courage, and an openness to what is possible. We support the well-being of our scholars and are here to help families navigate the Uwill platform and the benefits it provides.