Past Winning Teams

Middle School Solar Smarties

The 2022 grade eight Solar Middle School Smarties (SMSS) team members seen here with Makersmiths' Kidwind coach, Diane Painter, won first place for their solar smart house at both the Western Regional and Virginia State Challenges. The house uses six solar cells that keep a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery charged, providing power to an Arduio Pro Mini that operates a fan when the house gets hot, and turns on lights when it gets dark. The team also won the Circuit Masters award for their wiring diagram of the house. Please see their Solar House movie that shows the process of building the house and the end result.

Middle School Silver Blades

The 2022 Silver Blades wind turbine team began their challenge year tied for first place in the Middle School division at the Western Regional Challenge on March 9. They also won the Good Sportsmanship award! See their presentation that they gave to the judges about the process of making their wind turbine. Then they competed at the Virginia state level on April 23 at Virginia State University and won third place. See their movie that shows their turbine in action at the state challenge! Finally, they ended the year as National Virtual Wind Turbine Champions after winning over the judges in a Zoom conference call and performing very well in the online Quiz Bowl! The performance data they entered in the National Virtual Challenge was what their turbine produced during the state challenge. This is their team movie they entered into the national competition.

Middle School Golden Wind Blades

The 2022 Golden Wind Blades team members won second place at the Middle School division at the Western Regional Challenge on March 9. This is their Golden Wind Blades presentation given to the judges. They also competed at the state level but did not place. Their movie shows their turbine in action!

Because the team came in second place in the regional challenge, they qualified to be entered into the National virtual Wind Turbine Challenge. This is their team movie the judges reviewed at the national level.