
English Language Arts

Word Work

Vocabulary Book Unit 15

  1. Read the article

  2. Fill in the words on the on the next page

  3. Check out for more word practice

  4. Write spelling words alphabetically 3 times, take a picture of it, and submit to the "Spelling HW" folder in Google Forms

  5. FUN activity to practice your words: Rainbow Spelling 2 times.

See picture below for instructions.

***Spelling test this Friday!

Math-4th Grade

Color multiplication flash cards and cut them out.

Practice for 10 minutes today.


Read to Self- 30 minutes

  1. Read for 30 minutes

  2. Fill out the reading log HERE.


You usually have PE today. Please check out Mrs. Taylor's site to see if there are any activities assigned. Thanks!!


Today, you would have music with Mrs. McCarl. Please check out her site HERE to see if she has any music activities for you today.