Subject Descriptors

Each Subject Brief describes the content of the course and the assement components.

(Group 1) Subject Brief: Language A literature.pdf

G1: Language A literature

(Group 2) Subject Brief: Classical languages (Latin).pdf

G2: Classical languages (Latin)

(Group 2) Subject Brief: Language B (French_Spanish).pdf

G2: Language B (French & Spanish)

(Group 3) Subject Brief: Business Management.pdf

G3: Business Management

(Group 3) Subject Brief: History.pdf

G3: History

(Group 3) Subject Brief: Psychology SL.pdf

G3: Psychology

(Group 4) Subject Brief: Biology.pdf

G4: Biology

(Group 4) Subject Brief: Chemistry.pdf

G4: Chemistry

(Group 4) Subject Brief: Computer Science.pdf

G4: Computer Science

(Group 4) Subject Brief: Environmental Systems Societies SL.pdf

G4: Environmental Systems and Societies

(Group 4) Subject Brief: Physics.pdf

G4: Physics

(Group 5) Subject Brief: Math Analysis & Approaches.pdf

G5: Math Analysis & Approaches

(Group 5) Subject Brief: Math Applications & Interpretations.pdf

G5: Math Applications & Interpretations

(Group 6) Subject Brief: Music.pdf

G6: Music

(Group 6) Subject Brief: Theatre.pdf

G6: Theatre

(Group 6) Subject Brief: Visual Arts.pdf

G6: Visual Arts

DP Core Brief: Creativity, Activity, Service CAS.pdf

Core: Creativity, Activity, Service

DP Core Brief: Extended Essay.pdf

Core: Extended Essay

DP Core Brief: Theory of Knowledge TOK.pdf

Core: Theory of Knowledge