
Open Opportunities for All

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Internship and Placement Process for Students 2023–2024

Internship and placement will be provided to all eligible IIT Madras B.S. Degree program students with a one-student-one-offer policy. Once a student gets an offer, our placement/internship process will be deemed complete with them and no further assistance will be provided. 

Internship and Placement Process

1. Eligibility: To qualify for an internship opportunity, candidates must have successfully finished at least one Diploma program, and for placement, they should have completed the BSc level. 

2. Pre-Registration: Students have to register for the IIT Madras B.S. Degree placement process.

3. Payment: Eligible students will be invited through an email to make the payment and complete the pre-registration process. 

4. Training: Students have to undergo the required training prescribed by the IIT Madras B.S. Degree - Industry Interaction Cell. Students who have undergone similar training previously may choose to directly go to the evaluation step. 

5. Evaluation: Only those students who score the minimum cut-off will be eligible to perform the final registration. Those who do not meet these criteria will have to undergo the relevant training modules and get re-evaluated. 

6. Final Registration: Students have to provide the complete information along with their Resume within the prescribed deadline.

7. Sharing Job Descriptions (JD): A form will be circulated to all registered and eligible students along with the JD from the company. Students may choose to apply based on their preferences. 

8. Test/GDs/Interview Scheduling: Once the company shares the list of short-listed candidates, the Internship & Placement Cell will coordinate the recruitment process with the company.

9. Final Selection & Announcement: The list of the students receiving the final offer(s) will be shared with all the registered students by the Internship & Placement Cell. 

To view the 

Internship/ Placement/ Apprenticeship 

Policy and Guidelines Document