Geisler Middle School Counseling
Welcome! We are excited for the 2022-2023 school year. Our website is a place where you can learn more about us and what we do, as well as find resources that might be helpful to you. Please take a look around and contact us with any questions.
Welcome! We are excited for the 2022-2023 school year. Our website is a place where you can learn more about us and what we do, as well as find resources that might be helpful to you. Please take a look around and contact us with any questions.
*Student Chromebook Tech Support*
Please use the following form for tech support for a district borrowed chromebook:
Students - Please make sure to check your gmail after submitting for an email response from Mrs. Stasak or one of her interns within 24 hours of your submission.
Connecting to wireless on a personal device: