Tigers and Taigas

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Did you know that a punch from a Siberian tiger can kill you? It’s true, on this website ranthamborenationalpark.com it says, “Leaving aside Tigers' enormous body size, just look at their front hands/legs, if you have a pet Tiger and a brutal enemy, you might as well send them for a fist fight. Kidding, you cannot have a pet tiger, it is illegal! It is said that one swipe from a Tiger’s front hand is enough to kill a person or an animal, or at least break one’s bones.” If a punch from any tiger can kill you, then the Siberian tiger, being the largest, can easily. The Siberian tiger can weigh up to 660 pounds and measure up to 10 feet long from its nose to the tip of its tail. According to the website en.wikibooks.org, “Tigers are usually orange or reddish-orange with very bold, uneven black stripes and white areas on the chest, neck, belly, and inside of the legs. Their stripes act as camouflage, making it difficult for them to be seen when they are among the trees and shrubs of the jungle.” Siberian tigers mostly eat hoofed animals like wild deer and pigs, but they also eat fish, birds, and other predators like leopards. (worldwildlife.org)

Did you know that the Siberian tiger's habitat, the taiga, takes up 17% of the world? On the website www.oneearth.org it says, “Average monthly temperatures are -17.5–12.1°C. The average annual temperature is -2.8°C and annual precipitation is around 456 mm.” Taiga is a biome with a cold climate and vegetation as forests. Taigan predators are wolves, wolverines, and brown bears. Their prey is hares, caribou, moose, and reindeer. Any biome depends on what lives in the biome. Plants for herbivores, herbivores for carnivores, carnivores for carnivores, and herbivores and carnivores for plants. (sciencing.com)