Fun Facts

Did you ever think that rainforests only take up 2% of earth but are home to 50% of all earth's species!(whew,talk about big things in small packages.thanks for the info rainforest thought about that?No,I guess I have to tell you about it then.Well for starters rainforests only take up 2% of earth,like i said before but this is one big but they are home to almost 50% of all earth's plants and animals! earth.Well from the words of the people over at rainforest I have one honorable mention in the terms of giant forests,the you know that only 40% of brazil is actually cities?don't know eh? Well I didn't know either.welp that's ok that's exactly the reason i'm writing this,to teach people about rainforests.back on topic that other 60% of brazil is the amazon.the rainforest biome hosts one of the biggest forests on the planet.yep you guessed it,the one i've been talking about for like 5 sentences now.

The next in line after my favorite biome is by far my favorite animal in Asia, the tiger.These guys(and girls)can eat up to 25 pounds of meat in one day!They also happen to be India's apex predator.their habitat stretches over 13 asian countries.Each tiger has a different stripe pattern kind of like a fingerprint everyone is different.there was a study once where they took like 200 tigers and none of them had exactly the same stripe pattern.No animals were taken in the study.