
The Coral reef is a magnificent place underwater and did you know that the coral reef covers less than 1% of the ocean and still has many animals living in them (https://reefworld.org). Did you know that over 4,000 species live in coral reefs (https://reefworld.org). According to https://reef-world.org/ coral reefs are over 5,000 years old to this day! Did you know that coral isn't actually a plant, it is an animal and many people think coral are just plants. So coral reefs are really important and have many fish in them and some of those fish protect coral reefs like the humphead wrasse!

A coral reef

The humphead wrasse is a fish that protects the coral reefs from harm and without them we wouldn’t have coral reefs. Humphead wrasse can get very big, over 6 feet long and can weigh over 400 pounds! (https://www.worldwildlife.org) Also they have important bulges on their head to attract females and scare away other males! (worldwildlife.org) You might think that the big bulge on its forehead looks weird but it is actually very important. They use it to scare off other males and attract females. (https://storymaps.arcgis.com/) Humphead wrasse are very fascinating animals but what they eat is really fascinating, using their very tough teeth they will eat mollusks, starfish, or crustaceans.

A humphead wrasse swimming.

A humphead wrasse swimming next to a boat.