Why snow leopards are important

Snow leopards are very cool! They look really beautiful and they have really amazing features. The sad part is that there are only 4,080 - 6,590 left in the wild. Also according to https://www.iucn.org/ this means they are vulnerable. This is because snow leopards face a number of problems like habitat loss, poaching, and increase conflict with communities. This makes me feel very sad because they are very awesome, special, and unique animals. Well why do you care so much about them? You ask, well one part of it is their special features and the other part of it is how they can help us. They can help us by keeping the ecosystem straight and keeping the mountains a good and beautiful place. How would you feel if there were no more left in the wild.

The Eastern Himalayas are very unique! Why you ask? First of all the eastern himalayas are home to 10,000 species of plant, 977 species of bird, 300 species of mammal, 269 species of freshwater fish, 176 species of reptile and 105 species of amphibians. According to national geographic the Eastern himalayas are being threatened because of climate change. This is what they said “Without immediate, global attention to curb future warming and effort from the countries within the mountain range to adapt, future climate change may tip the region into difficulties from which it will be challenging if not impossible, to recover, the study warns.” This makes me feel sad because the Eastern Himalayas could be gone. I would not like that to happen because the place is beautiful with lots of steep mountains and just looks really cool. If this place is destroyed then all of the animals and plants would all be gone. The eastern himalayas are home to many things and if the eastern himalayas are gone where will they go? How would you feel if the eastern himalayas were destroyed.