How you can help sea lions

All of this is a big deal, and you can help. You might think, “But I am so young, how can I help?” Here are some ways that you can help. First, you could donate to the marine mammal center on If you can’t afford donations, here are some ways that suggests you can help. Firstly, you can cut apart the plastic rings in 6 or 8 pack drinks so that animals don’t choke. Recycle them for sure, don’t forget! Another thing you can do is to simply reuse your plastic bags! Never throw out your plastic bags as they can be very useful and money saving! Also, Reduce the amount of toxins when you mow or grow your lawn! You might get some chores involving your front yard, so reduce toxic chemicals or ask your parents to buy chemical free substances!   Sea lions and the pacific ocean are very important to our environment, so let's keep them safe!