Whats Happening?

Sea lions

Did you know that there are about 257,000 California sea lions left in the world?(www.marine mammal center.org)Other  Sea lion species are endangered, and are dying because of many reasons. However, many things are being done to help. California Sea lions are a beautiful species and live on the coasts of Japan and Korea, western North America from southern Canada to mid Mexico. California sea lions are very social animals and spend lots of time together in a group called a raft, according to https://animals.sandi egozoo.org.

“Sea lions are great swimmers, too, reaching speeds of 18 miles per hour (29 kilometers per hour) for short bursts. This helps them escape from their enemies, killer whales and sharks.” (https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/ )

In the California sea lion’s early life, it learns how to hunt and dive. It leaves its mother after about a year of age. When adults, males can reach 6.5-11 ft and be 600-850 pounds, and females can reach 4-9 ft. and be 110-600 pounds.(https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/ ) It kind of looks like a seal, but with small ear flaps. According to www.marine mammal center.org, it eats squid, octopus, and small fish. And on the website www.sealionworld.com, some of its predators are sharks, orcas, and unfortunately, humans. Sea lions are on the endangered list and are not slowing down, according to https://www.marinemammalcenter.org/ .Something less moody though, did you know “A sea lion’s sleek body is perfect for diving deep in the ocean (up to 600 feet, or 180 meters) in search of tasty fish and squid. Because sea lions are mammals and must breathe air, they can’t stay underwater forever! But with the help of nostrils that seal up automatically when they dive, a sea lion typically remain submerged for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.”(https://www.sealsitters.org/)

The Pacific Ocean

Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is bigger than the total size of all the continents on earth combined? According to the website https://www.britannica.com/place/Pacific-Ocean ,

“The Pacific Ocean is located from the Antarctic region in the south to the Arctic in the north. It lays between Asia and Australia to the west, and North America and South America to the east.”The climate in the Pacific Ocean is mainly tropical and subtropical. On the website https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/ring-fire/ it says “The ring of fire, also known as the circum-pacific belt, is a line across the Pacific Ocean characterized by active underwater volcanoes and earthquakes.”. My favorite fact about the Pacific Ocean is that the Pacific has the most islands in the world! (Approximately 25,000!).