~Importance & Threats~

Are you surprised to learn that the Galapagos Islands have active volcanoes? What makes the Galápagos islands special is that environmental conditions make the Galápagos a unique island ecosystem. The Galágapos Islands contain a good environmental condition and contain many wonderful varieties of animals that you can't find anywhere else in the world. The Galápagos islands are threatened by overfishing and illegal industrial fishing are serious threats to the islands’ delicate marine ecosystem. This makes me feel sad because people are giving serious threats to the island and if they destroy the islands, they also will harm the animals because they lost their habitat. If the region is destroyed then there will be no other place for the animals to live and the animals that live in that region will probably go extinct. How will you feel if the Galápagos islands are destroyed and the animals that live on there like the pink iguanas and the Galápagos penguins go extinct? (penguinsinternational.org)

Did you know that there are only 1,200 Galápagos penguins and only 600 breeding pairs are left in the wild? There are only 1,200 Galápagos penguins left in the wild due to predators with diseases and more. According to (WWF) “The Galápagos penguins are threatened by predators with diseases and geological events like volcanic eruptions, pollution, getting tangled in fishing nets, climate change and severe weather.” It makes me feel sad because penguins are one of my favorite animals and there are only a couple of them left so I would help the penguins get away from the predators with diseases and much more. If there were no more Galápagos penguins in the wild then I would feel super sad because I don’t want my favorite animal to go extinct. How would you feel if your favorite animal that lives in the Galápagos Islands goes extinct?