The ways to help

How can we help? There are many ways that you can help. You can donate money to Worldwildlife. The worldwildlife, which the website was:, they will “increasing the area of panda habitat under legal protection; creating green corridors to link isolated pandas; patrolling against poaching, illegal logging, and encroachment building local capacities for nature reserve management; continuing research and monitoring.”

Panda eating bamboo~


Other ways

There are things that you can do everyday at home. Using recycled paper is a way. How can that help? The paper is made out of trees or bamboo. By using less paper or recycled paper, you are helping to protect pandas from extinction.( other way to help pandas is teach others how to conserve resources. According to, “conserving resources is important and helps pandas even if you aren’t in China. If someone can’t donate or volunteer, they can use less water, recycle paper, or drive less. Even small actions have a positive effect on the world’s overall health, which can help reduce climate change and the damage to panda habitats.”

Lets start to help them right now!