Pacific Ocean

Did you know According to https://www.britannica  "the Pacific Ocean is 63.8 million miles?" It is located to the east of North and South America ( . The climate is very tropical, the same website said.There are some geographical features for example, the ring of fire which is a bunch of volcanoes and there is the Great Barrier Reef which is a huge coral reef ( My favorite fact about the pacific ocean is that 75% of the world's volcanoes are in the ring of fire! (

"Isn't it interesting  that the average depth of the ocean is 13,000 feet?" according to "There are many different predators that live there including sharks and killer whales, there are also prey including fish and turtles the same website said." Animals have many different adaptations but there are some adaptations needed for the pacific ocean like swimming,holding their breath for long or breathing underwater.It's not just a place for animals to live we (people) also benefit from the pacific ocean for example some people get food from it and health plus economic Benefits. (

There are many things that are special about the pacific ocean like it covers ⅓ of the earth's surface ( . We have to protect that. Also most of the world's islands are found in the pacific ocean( The pacific ocean is being polluted which means there is pollution ( This makes me feel sad because I love animals and the pollution is hurting them. Many animals live there if the ocean is hurt they wouldn't have a home or place to live. And people wouldn't get food, health and economic benefits from the ocean( I would be sad if the oceans were destroyed because animals would get hurt.