Sea Turtles

Baby sea turtle on the beach

Did you know that, “The group of eggs is called a clutch,” says. “The Leatherback is the biggest species of sea turtle and can weigh up to an incredible 2,000 pounds,” according to The classic sea turtle is greenish yellowish color and has a shell that is like a brown color and sometimes splats of a yellowish color. The average sea turtle can either be a carnivore or herbivore based on what it eats. One fact that I really like about sea turtles is the temperature of the sand determines if the baby sea turtle is a boy or girl if the sand is warmer it is most likely a girl and if it is cooler then it is more likely to be a boy according to

Sea turtle in fishing net

According to the Olive Ridley Project there are 6.5 million sea turtles left in the wild, and many of their species are endangered.Sea turtles are such gentle and fragile creatures, but they are being threatened by the pollution we are throwing out in the ocean making it dirtier and harder for these animals to live. These sea turtles need our help, the sea turtles can’t keep us from polluting the oceans, we have to stop ourselves. These sea turtles need our help, don’t let them disappear, some of their species are endangered from our pollution and the sea turtle population is gonna go down.