
Jaguars live in the Amazon Rainforest

Did you know the Amazon rainforest is home to 3 million species of animals, insects, and many interesting creatures? The Amazon Rainforest is 2,300,000 square miles and spans across Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Z Venezuela, and Guyana. According to rainforests.mongabay.com the climate usually is around 72 to 93 degrees Fahrenheit. In the Amazon Rainforest, there is a lot of green up in the trees. It is very steamy and animals could be hiding anywhere. One of the most amazing things about the amazon rainforest is that it can stabilize the global climate.

The Amazon Rainforest is an amazing place. Sadly it is threatened by poachers and people who cut down trees. It makes me very sad that people would chop so many trees that animals call home. According to worldwildlife.org, the Amazon Rainforest helps stabilize the global climate. If the Amazon Rainforest was destroyed, then the help it provides would be gone and it would make the global climate worse. The Amazon Rainforest is a beautiful place in it would be terrible if it got destroyed.