Emma's awesome portfolio


My name is Emma and I'm currently taking Mrs. Klenow's 2nd period AP art class. 

I like to play and draw 

Artist Statement

I like to imagine that the world's biggest party takes place inside myself every single day. I think it's hosted and attended by little stupid angel people who want to constantly be in a perpetual state of joy. And when the world's biggest party is happening inside you, you're a little bit at a loss of what to do. So I’ve found that the best thing that works for me, is drawing, just so that I don’t miss out on any of the fun. 

When creating most of my pieces I tend to try and find the absurdity in things, I take elements from extravagant architecture, toys, carnival rides, and I push their shapes and colors to the absolute extreme. I’ve made it a goal to use neutral colors as little as possible, playing into triadic color schemes gives the retina straining effect I think adds a lot to the overwhelming, maximalist, party theme. For the past couple years I’ve aspired to the Pop Surrealism style and despite everything always fall back on it for inspiration. 

 I’ve always wanted my art to be a constant joyride, just a bundle of crude humor and fun, because that's always how art has made me feel. I think that meaning in art is something that's admirable, it's just something that I never was able to wrap my head around, because at the end of the day I never took anything that I created seriously. That's what made it so fun for me. I believe that art is the greatest superpower anyone can possess because you can twist and contort aspects of reality to fit your own feelings, beliefs, and opinions. You can create visualizations of things that have never ever been seen before, and at the end of the day, it's all just for fun. 

Selected Works

Cherub Party 

3ft x 2ft 

Oils & Acrylics on Masonite 

I started off with a blue underpainting and slowly overtime I blocked in my pinks and whites, slowly adding detail and highlights overtime. The whole process took me around a month and a half. 

Cherub Party was for a unrelated assignment in my painting class. Looking back on it, it paved the original concept of my portfolio theme. To elaborate, for Cherub Party I wanted to primarily use a triadic color scheme, and after doing so I fell in love with the color palette. I wanted my portfolio to revolve around those colors in some way and after exploration, I started looking at circus themes/