how are they important?

Here are three reasons why the Amazon rainforest is important. According to rainforestconcern “rainforests have played a practical role in keeping our planet healthy. carbon dioxide and releasing the oxygen that we depend on for our survival.” Another reason from the rainforestconcern is that theRainforest trees draw water from the forest floor and release it back into the atmosphere in the form of swirling mists and clouds.” Without rainforests continually recycling huge quantities of water, feeding the rivers, lakes, and irrigation systems, droughts would become more common, potentially leading to widespread famine and disease. The final reason from rainforestconcern is that 25% of our modern medicines originate from tropical forest plants. The rainforest has a large variety of wildlife that are beneficial to the planet, this is why you should help save the rainforest.

Here are two reasons why macaws are important to our planet. Reason one, hyacinth macaws play an important role in their habitats by dispersing the seeds and nuts they feed on. This allows seeds to be germinated, and for vegetation to grow throughout their range, providing a base for the rest of the food chain, basically important for the food chain. Reason two, scarlet macaws are important seed predators of large tree fruits in the ecosystems in which they live. They may influence the generation of forest tree species. some research was found in the wild for life. If we are not careful and cutting down trees our planet could be in danger and macaws can go extinct! How would you feel if your pet died, same with macaws there are only 5,000 macaws left in the amazon rainforest, one of the macaw species are probably already extinct.