House Cup

The USC House Cup Cover Letter

In this era of technology, meaningful interactions without the assistance of technology have become rare. Additionally, the stress and competitive environment of our school’s academics negatively impact our community’s health and wellness. To alleviate stress and foster tech-free community building throughout the year, the Upper School Council proposed a House Cup.

Through this year-long event, “Houses” (one for each grade and faculty) engage with each other in friendly competition each month. With this predictable schedule, students and faculty will have a fun activity to which they can regularly look forward. To cater to the widely varied interests of our community, multiple kinds of events are included throughout the year, such as large-scale relays, athletic challenges (i.e. dodgeball, kickball, etc.), quiz bowl/spelling bee, building competition (from provided materials), etc. Further, to ensure all members of the houses get to participate, each member would participate in only one activity (perhaps nominated by their house). Each activity is worth points, and the House with the most points at the end of the year would receive their grade’s name and the year of their victory engraved on a multi-plaque trophy kept at SPA (they would also receive bragging rights, of course!). The winner will also receive a prize/treat determined by the Council.

All House Cup events are planned and run by the Upper School Council, with event plans approved by the Administration. The House Cup seeks to strengthen grade spirit by uniting students behind a common cause in teamwork. Additionally, it strives to strengthen intergrade and student-faculty dynamics by engaging them with each other in an unconventional, yet extremely powerful way outside of the classroom: play. From strengthening the school community to encouraging fun, which fosters happiness, imagination, and creativity, playtime is a pillar of life with many benefits, though often overlooked in life past preschool.

So, we ask you to consider helping our community’s well being by supporting and participating in the USC House Cup, for:

“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

~ George Bernard Shaw

The USC House Cup Leaderboard

House Cup Event Pictures

House Cup Talent Show (2022) Photos: Henry Burkhardt '22

House Cup Jeopardy (2022) Photos: Freya Brokken '23

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