Will's Art

Doodle For Google

Covid-19 Visual Response

My work shows that I have have improved because you can see from the start of when I had started the class that on some of my projects I did not take my time and my spacing of the lines I had drew and my awareness of the distances when replicating another drawing where not as good as they are in my projects that I have done recently. Also now I try to incorporate things that I actually like to do into my artwork when we have the chance. Like when we have to draw or paint or make a sculpture I will usually make something that I like or relates to my life instead of doing something random that does not mean anything to me. Also I now try to put more time into my artwork and try to make sure that everything is matching the way it is supposed to be.

The most challenging part about the class for me was bringing my work home and doing it. I could not fit the big folder into my backpack and when I brought the folder around to different classes I would always forget it and lose it. So I eventually just left my work at school so I would always do my work late or not get it done at all because I did not want to bring the big folder around with me everywhere. I think that this was mainly just a problem for me but I don't really think that there is a way around it and that I just had to get better at remembering to bring the folder with me. Also I thought that for some projects we had more in class time to work than others but those projects were the easier ones to complete and took less time.

I am most proud of getting all of my missing assignments done when I had a lot to do. To get these done I made a plan for each day of how many I would do and what specific assignments I would do. This was the hardest I have ever worked in art class by far. For most of the year I would not do my assignments and let myself miss them and get 0s. I realized that if I put the time in I could get them done so for the last 2 weeks I did that and got them done. I was surprised when I realized that I had got all my missing art assignments done in that amount of time.

I have had a good overall experience in art class. I think that most of the bad experiences I have had have been because I was not doing my work so It was not enjoyable doing a lot of work at one time. Most of the projects are fun and when you are done and realize what you can create when you put the time in and it gives you a sense of accomplishment. I think that sometimes there could be more in class work time for projects but I think that the majority of the projects we did were balanced and I had plenty of time to complete them. I think that some of the online stuff that we did towards the end of the year was hard because the email for the due date of stuff and the date for the next project due were in the same email.

I think that my work demonstrates my strength to learn how to connect things that I do in my personal life to my artwork. I found it alot easier to draw or paint something that relates to my life or something that I have experienced before. I think that my work shows that I may be a slow learner and that I may not have the best quality art projects. Also I think that it shows that I may not have the best work ethic at times and that I can not do stuff to the best of my ability. Overall though I think that I have become quicker to pick up on new skills and quicker at being able to use new types of tools in the class.