2D Design

Semester 1 Reflection

My favorite project was all the sustained investigations. I say this because I got to pick what I did for my projects. I always got to pick, but I was given a prompt. For this project, I got to pick my inquiry question and then make 3 pieces of art from that question. I like this project the most because for the other projects like making logos and donate life I never did art like that so it was hard for me to think of something creative that I liked. Another project that I really liked was the Photoshop Cartoon. I like this because it was my first ever photoshop project and now almost all of the projects I do are in photoshop.

I've been most successful with digital art like photoshop. I think this because I always had a hard time finding what color to use because I can't see the colors and I never try to use different colors because I have to paint over it and I don't like how it looks. With photoshop I can see all the colors, and I can use them and if I don't like how it comes out I can change that color. In my opinion, that's way easier to do and that's why I think photoshop was the most successful part of this class.

Something I struggled with is just getting started right away. As soon as I got a new project I wanted to finish it as fast as I can. I wish I took my time and thought about what I was going to do. I think this because I was scared that I wasn't going to finish and I didn't want a bad grade, when I actually had a lot of time to work on it.

My goal moving forward is to try different things. I want to try different styles, everyone has different styles and people usually stick with their style their whole life, but I don't like that. I want to try something new every time I want to draw. I also want to have a goal of making bigger art. I see people in the bell ringers make projects that are huge and I think that's pretty cool and I think it would be fun to do.