Foundations of Art

Baseball player chasing a mouse holding a tennis racket

This year has been a fun year for art through the year art skills have developed. I think you can see this in all my work. My work also shows what artistic element I am stronger in. For example, canvas painting seems like my best work. And you can see where I am not as strong and for me this is the realistic drawings and scratch board.

I think the two works that show I have improved are my time capsule drawing and my realistic portrait. You can clearly see how much I have improved looking at these.

The most challenging project for me was the scratchboard realistic drawing because of how tedious it was it made me really anxious and mad causing me to rush to get it done faster so I didn't have to work on it any more

On the other hand the project I am most proud of is my colored design project , the reason I think I did well on this project was because I was intending it to be a gift for my dad wich made think I had to do good on it just for him because of everything in life he has done for me

My artistic goal for the future is to not lose my artistic touch and creativity and still be able to put a spin on other things.