
im calling this project a zentangle because this is a zentagle strip the subject is a abstract piece of art based off a zentagle strip but we got to draw are own i choses to create this piece of work because that was are assignment mrs medskerk gave us to do for material i used the darkest pencil then toward the end i used to lightest pencil i used variety of techniques and method including cross-hatching and doing other patterns while creating i paid close attention patterns and i tried to keep the lines straight but they didn't come out straight i wanted my art work to look unique so i used a hole bunch of patterns and i did that by using darker and lighter pencils diffrent patterns i like the my first two boxes came out to the right those ones are my favorite because they came out the nettest and came out looking the best and i proud of me not just giving up because it was hard i did my work to the best of my ability however i struggled with making the lines straight with out a ruler and making it net if i created another one like this i would make sure to use a ruler on all of them and make them way netter my work showed i learn how to do a zentagle