Foundations Of Art

Art Refflection

If you view my different art, you will see that when it's more hands-on and less painting, you will see it's better. I struggled with painting and charcoal. I did well on shadowing and blending colors.

My work shows that I've improved because If you look back to the 3rd project, (Second for me) Then you will see a self-portrait. Mine is horrible, the face is not symmetrical, the eyes different sizes, and everything is bad. If you look at my 9th project, it's pretty realistic. My eyes are the same, nose a little wack but it's cool. But it's the same project but better and with more time and effort put in.

Linoleum prints was the most challenging. I had to put on the perfect amount of ink, with the perfect amount of pressure, and you had to spread it out in the perfect way. I had to have 4 perfect prints. 1 regular, 1 extended, 1 unique surface, multi colored. I most likely made 30+ prints just to get 4 good ones. If I was the teacher I would get rid of this project your add more days.

I'm most proud of the wire sculpture. I hate the cheese grader itself but I love the snake I made in it. It sucked making the cheese grader because I had to make hoot connections. I made loops around which I wasn't suppose to do but it was easier. The snake is what was fun. I made the wire and twisted 2. Then twisted more wire around it to make it bigger. Then after it was the size I wanted I made it look like a cobra. Was very hard but fun to figure out.

I want to have some architectural skills because when I'm older I want to design my own houses, then build them, and sell the property. I want to take the skills from art and put them into colors on walls and how to match furniture to the environment around them. Design. I wish the school had more than half a year of architecture and more classes.