
Who are WIE?

“IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists.”

Rowan university affinity group

The Rowan University WIE Student Affinity group was created in 2015 by Victoria Griffiths. Our affinity group is an active group within the WIE Philadelphia Section and Region 2.

At Rowan, this group focuses on improving students technical skills through a series of workshops and competitions. At many general meetings, we host guest speakers from industry to allow our members to network and hear career options.

Joining WIE is a fantastic way to improve your engineering skills, build your resume, and network!

How to join?

It is completely free to join our student branch! If interested, just attend one meeting that occurs every other Friday at 2pm in REXT 107!

To become an international student member, it costs only $32 per year! This gets both a dual membership for IEEE and IEEE WIE. Click here to learn more!